Process and Proceeds
The process I used to research the First Nations map began with the creation of a base layer by using information endorsed by peak Aboriginal organisations regarding languages, such as the Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages (VIC) and the Pama Language Centre (NQLD). By only using information endorsed by these peak organisations, I hoped to maintain the integrity of the information included in the map.
Once this baselayer was created, I then consulted with a number of TOs, other Aboriginal Corporations and community representatives to update the map and make sure groups that were potentially not included in the first research stage were put on the map. While I would have loved to be able to consult with TOs for each and every of the more than 350 language groups, as a team of just one person, this process would have taken years and years!
I hope that by combining peak body endorsed information with TO and community consultation I have found a happy medium of finishing the map in a timely manner and maintaining the integrity of the information used.
As a way of supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, for both the help with information provided and to give back to them, 20% of the proceeds will be donated to a different Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander charity each quarter.